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Recycling Committee Minutes 7/06/06
Thursday – July 6, 2006 – 7 pm

Members Present: Neal Brown (Chairman); Bob Jennings, Roger Lessard, Kent Vincent, Dan Wolaver

 Chairman Brown called the meeting to order at 7:05pm
Member Kent Vincent taking minutes

1.      Minutes from June 6th meeting approved without changes.
Chairman Brown reported the Town Website now posting Committee Minutes.
2.      Committee Membership:
a)      Chairman Brown reported Lee LeBlanc had reluctantly resigned from the Committee. The Committee thanks Lee for her contributions and extends an invitation to return as the future may allow!
b)      Miriam Lockhart is temporarily absent due to health issues.
c)      The Committee resolved there should be 6 or 7 members.
Action Item: Chairman Brown will approach some recommended potential members with invitations to join the committee and report back at August’s meeting.
3.      Chairman Brown reported on his recent meeting with the BOS.:
a)      The BOS are pleased with the Committee’s efforts to date.
b)      They believe the TRC can provide a valuable service as the overseer of the GRC subject to BOS authority, and with the Committee to continue to serve in this capacity.
c)      The BOS requested two specific priority items:
i.      TRC develop a 1-Year and 5-Year Plan for BOS review
ii.     TRC produce an article for each Greenfield Spirit describing TRC activities and/or recycling tips.
Action Item: Chairman Brown has submitted an article for the upcoming Spirit. TRC will prepare, in advance, 2 or 3 articles for upcoming Spirit editions or to be used as fillers.
4.      The Committee discussed its priorities for addressing issues before the committee with the following results”
a)      Safety and Health Issues (including signage)
b)      Creating an overview of the GRC design, including what currently exists, what is reasonably possible in 1 year, and a 5-year vision.
Action Items:
First, Chairman Brown will contact Myron Steere (Greenfield Resident, a Civil Engineer, who has previously offered his services for free to produce designs for the GRC). Chairman Brown hopes the gentleman will attend the August TRC meeting.
Second, Kent Vincent will attempt to produce a compilation of existing rules and procedures for the existing operation for the committee’s review.
c)      Creating a viable volunteer schedule for helping out at the GRC.

The meeting ended at 8:15PM